Gimme a Break! is an American television sitcom created by Mort Lachman and Sy Rosen, that aired on NBC for six seasons from October 29, 1981, to May 12, 1987. The series starred Nell Carter as the housekeeper for a widowed police chief (Dolph Sweet) and his three daughters.

The show received mixed reviews from critics when it premiered. Writing for The Washington Post, Tom Shales wrote an especially scathing review of the pilot episode. “I wish I could sue NBC for the grievous consternation, intestinal distress and aggravated low moaning I have suffered as a result of ‘Gimme a Break,’” Shales wrote, going on to criticize the show’s sex jokes and what he found to be the racial stereotypes embodied by Carter’s character. “If I thought television could get substantially worse than this, I am not sure I would have the courage or desire ever to turn the set on again,” Shales concluded.

By contrast, The New York Times found the show promising, praising the performances of Carter and Sweet and the way the show balanced wisecracks with bits of seriousness. “The abrupt changes in tone are handled adroitly,” John J. O’Connor wrote. “Given some supportive scripts, Miss Carter and Mr. Sweet could ensure a good run for this series.”


The show has been in syndication since 1985. Reruns have also aired nationally on WWOR EMI Service and USA. Distribution rights are jointly owned by The Program Exchange and NBCUniversal Television Distribution, successor in interest to previous syndicator MCA Television. Reruns of the series are a mainstay of many of Sinclair Broadcast Group’s The CW, MeTV and MyNetworkTV stations, especially in low-traffic time periods, due to the low-cost barter setup of The Program Exchange.

Antenna TV aired the show from January 2, 2018, until December 31, 2021. Cozi TV started airing the show on January 3, 2022.


Tubi acquired all seasons of the show as of February 1, 2022.
Home media

Visual Entertainment (under license from FremantleMedia) released the first two seasons of Gimme a Break! on DVD in Canada between 2006–07. In 2009, VEI announced that they plan on releasing the entire series in a complete series box set in 2010. VEI released Gimme a Break! The Complete Series on DVD in Canada on July 20, 2010.

Awards and nominations

Nell Carter received two Emmy nominations as Best Actress in a Comedy Series. and two Golden Globe nominations as Best Actress in a Television Series-Comedy or Musical.

Main characters

Nell Carter as Nellie Ruth “Nell” Harper
Dolph Sweet as Carl Kanisky (seasons 1-4)
Kari Michaelsen as Kathleen “Katie” Kanisky (seasons 1-5)
Lauri Hendler as Julie Kanisky Maxwell (seasons 1-5)
Lara Jill Miller as Samantha “Sam” Kanisky (seasons 1-5, recurring season 6)
John Hoyt as Stanley Kanisky (seasons 2-6, previously recurring)
Joey Lawrence as Joey Donovan (seasons 3-6)
Howard Morton as Ralph Waldo Simpson (seasons 3-5, previously recurring)
Telma Hopkins as Dr. Adelaide “Addy” Wilson (seasons 4-6, previously recurring)
Jonathan Silverman as Jonathan Maxwell (season 5, previously recurring)
Rosetta LeNoire as Maybelle Harper (season 6, previously recurring)
Matthew Lawrence as Matthew Donovan (season 6)
Rosie O’Donnell as Maggie O’Brien (season 6)
Paul Sand as Marty (season 6)