Dr. Maria delSocorro Gonzalez
Sept. 10, 1955
Mexican botanist
Inventor of a “diagnosis to detect invasive amebiasis.”
Doctor María del Socorro Flores González won the MEXWII 2006 award for her work on diagnostic methods for invasive amebiasis. María González patented processes to diagnose invasive amebiasis, a parasitic disease that kills over 100,000 people each year.
She is a Mexican botanist , taxonomist , and teacher .Dra. Maria is a specialist in Neotropical flora, and in the taxonomy of sedges with an emphasis on the xéneru Eleocharis , identifying and naming at least 50 species and varieties of diverse taxonomic groups.

In 1976 , she graduated in Biology in “Facultá de Ciencies Biolóxiques”, Autonomous University of Nuevo León , thesis “Les plantes toxicos al ganáu in Bustamante, Villaldama and Lampazos de Naranxal, NL” . And in 1982 doctorate in Sciences, specialized in Systematic Botany (1979-1980), at the National School of Biological Sciences, of the National Polytechnic Institute , defending the thesis “The Cyperaceae family in the Valley of Mexico” .
Area of research:
• Biotechnology
• Specialty in the immunology of infectious diseases
• Amebiasis
• Immunochemistry
• Protein
Supported research projects:
• Molecular cloning of DNA from a protein immunodominant low molecular weight of Entamoeba histolytica.
• Design of an Elisa test for the diagnosis of invasive amebiasis and obtaining an 8KDa protein as a marker for invasive amebiasis.
• Validation of the clinical utility of a diagnostic test for HIV-western blot for invasive amebiasis and search for the band of low molecular weight antigenic E. E. histolytica in uneven.
• Diagnosis of hepatic amebiasis through an immunoassay test.
• Oral immunity in a murine system.
Scientific Production:
• Author of 21 articles published in national and international journals and 17 popular articles.
- Member of the National System of Researchers, SEP-CONACyT, 1986
- National Award for Clinical Gastroenterology, 1994
- Abraham Ayala Gonzalez Award from the Mexican Society for Gastroenterology, 1994
- Bristol Myers Squibb Award, 1997
- PROMEP Profile, SEP 1998
- Award Travel Award IASL / APASL Japan 2000, International Association of Gastroenterology
- Award Techno Innovation Prize, 2003
- Member of the Corps Scholar of Biotechnology, 2004
- Prix Special MEXWII, 2006
- The Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon Biology Prize, 2007