Kenan and Kel (1996-2000)
Kenan & Kel is an American sitcom created by Kim Bass. The show originally aired on the Nickelodeon network for four seasons, from July 15, 1996, to July 15, 2000. The show was one of three spin-offs from All That, in which Mitchell and Thompson had co-starred for several years. Set in Chicago, the series follows mischievous Kenan Rockmore (Kenan Thompson) and his happy-go-lucky best friend Kel Kimble (Kel Mitchell), who go on a number of misadventures.
The show features Kenan’s family, which consists of his father Roger (Ken Foree), mother Sheryl (Teal Marchande), and younger sister Kyra (Vanessa Baden). The show also features Kenan’s boss Chris Potter (Dan Frischman). Kenan & Kel features appearances from a number of guest stars, including game show host/radio disc jockey Bob Eubanks, basketball player Ron Harper, and singer Britney Spears.
It won the “Favorite TV Show” award at the 1998 Kids’ Choice Awards. After the conclusion of the series, it was followed by the television film Two Heads Are Better Than None (2000).
The first two seasons were taped at Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios Florida. The last two seasons were taped at the now-closed theater Nickelodeon on Sunset in Los Angeles, California.
Kenan & Kel was created by Kim Bass and stars Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell as the title characters. The actors previously starred in the Nickelodeon series All That. Mitchell and Thompson would frequently joke around on the set of All That, which caught the attention of producers, including Bass, who wished to package Thompson and Mitchell in a series. During a hiatus of All That, the producers kept Thompson and Mitchell so they could tape the pilot for Kenan & Kel. Mitchell later expressed fondness for working with Thompson on the series. Kenan & Kel was Mitchell’s second professional acting performance, having only worked on All That and in amateur theater productions in Chicago beforehand. Thompson’s previous experience included a role in D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994). Kenan is the series’ straight man, and Kel is his comedic foil.
The first season contains 14 episodes, taped between April and August 9, 1996. The season was taped in front of a studio audience at Universal Studios Florida.. The characters of Kenan and Kel also make a crossover appearance on the Nickelodeon series Cousin Skeeter